6 Oct 2013

Different but good or bad?!

I guess I couldn't have found a better image for this article than the one I did find..It is just amazing how true the words in this pic are to my situation in life often..A LOT often!!

Um I have traveled all the way to Mauritius for my final year at university..today was my first day and there was a freshers party..I was kind of very confused as to whether I should go for it or not but ended up going anyways.. I entered and saw this coke people do their stuff to hype up the event such as play music, dance, a good emcee to keep the crowd going, spin the wheel, free coke and all that party kinda stuff Mauritian style..Well, first of all I am new to this environment plus I am reserved or shy generally so it was a 'lost' zone for me..I grabbed a coke, picked a nice corner where everyone was visible and just enjoyed the music. I know to many this may seem weird, awkward and one might say 'oh no you should have tried talking and making new friends' or 'a dance move sounds a good idea'; but you know what, that is just too difficult for me and I am not saying this as a loser, but one should know themselves well you know, and I certainly do know myself very well!! I do make friends and a lot of them but it just takes time, at times a lot of time but it does happen!

A friend of mine on campus, one of the only 2 I have made thus far, told me you are in a league I don't know what to call :p..because most people with me here drink, smoke and are outgoing..I on the other hand believe in long walks, go on the terrace and watch sunsets, read a book with soft music in the background, just go out and get lost in the world to explore it, and all ( I guess you have an idea what I am saying)..I don't wanna say I regret being who I an, because one is what one has at the end of the day, and of course Allah is ever with us. So yeah..I don't regret being who I am though to many they may see me as a person who doesn't enjoy life. If drinking, smoking or having sex is enjoying life, then yes I don't enjoy life..but well, for me life is way beyond this physical 'dream'..religiously speaking, life itself is a dream but most of us these days, live in a dream in this dream even and I am not one of them..

I am unique or different..and it is my belief and virtue or principle that I will have just one person in my life who will love me for who I am than a million of those who will love me once they shape me the they want..this is a costly belief but I won't ever leave it!! :)

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