28 Oct 2013

A bit of ..umm everything!!

"We have one heart with various emotions and feelings jumbled up together"

So this article is about a number of feelings and emotions that have been in my heart and mind in the recent past few days!!

'University life'..It has been an up and down start. I have known that I can't take my choice of optional subject because my qualification demands me to do the other :/.. and other factors but yeah has been an up and down start..the up of course being my photography which has kinda made me 'known' and also my table tennis game which has brought me 2 bronze medals in the universiade..All praise due to Allah!!

'Determination'..this is the one thing I moved with from Uganda to Mauritius. When I was doing the preparations to come here, all I had in my heart was determination to succeed and make my parents proud. I really remind myself what is at stake here and how hard my parents have worked for me to get here. I remind myself of the purpose I flew with and what it is or who it is I wanna be! I would like to remember that until I get what I am looking for!!

'Own ride'..I have always wanted to have my own car. In Mombasa, it felt amazing to have that bike and ride it with a sense of owning even though it belonged to someone else but that feel was amazing. I pray and crave to have that feel again. It was amazing. I remember I once wrote in my journal about how I envied people with cars and wondered whether they really knew how lucky they were to be having something someone else desires. I guess we all take what we have for granted but someone else..well someone else envies us!!

'The faded friend'..A friend of mine with whom I used to talk a lot seems to have forgotten my existence. On a number of occasions I tried to ask what was wrong and she didn't respond. She probably has a misunderstanding or an issue or is just too busy with her life but be anything, to be honest, she has faded or say I have faded for her..I am a someone who lets go in life when something or someone seems not to be made for me or wants to go away from me and I have done that here..I don't whatsapp her anymore because I know she won't reply to my query and probably will just give a flat reply and then say she has something to do.."so buddy, I'd love you to come back and talk but if you don't, don't blame me tomorrow for having you let go!!"


"In life, one has to be able to laugh and even though we are looking at some difficult times ahead, we should look at them with hope and faith - His Highness the Aga Khan"

Nothing in my life keeps me going like hope, faith, belief and prayer does..I am a guy with vision and a thought for the future. I don't like to worry much or take stress because then I do the wrong things that worsen things. Failure is always a result of an action we took and much as it can't be avoided forever, it can be lessened. I like positive people who think about the present in the present and not worry about events that are to happen a year from now. So yeah, to everyone who reads my blog [I hope at least one person does], be faithful to yourself, life and Allah, be hopeful for the best and be ethical. If your heart has Him in it, nothing can stop you from getting where you deserve to be!!


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