19 Oct 2013

Live today..no regrets tomorrow!!

"We realize the value of something when we lose it"

There is nothing but bitter truth in the quote above..We truly are idiots because we always lose things first then realize the value, for example, someone is there for you in times of trouble and happiness and only seeks your love but by the time you realize that, the person has already found someone else and then you blame this person for changing! or as I have in mind as I write this article; parents and religion. I am in Mauritius and I don't have my parents here with me and neither is there an Ismaili mosque here! I had both in Uganda and somewhat took it for granted. I gave time to sports and outings over my parents and time to facebook or tv over my religion. I am not ashamed to accept my flaws and sins, rather in fact, I am repentful for them! I think I should have given more time to both than to whom I did. For not even a second do I mean here that I love my parents or my religion any less..NO WAYS!!! After all, these are two factors that make up my life what it is..I can't live or survive without any of the two. The others will always come and go, care less about us even though we give them ourselves but parents and Allah, especially Allah, its where we start from and have to end!

In terms of friends in my life, someone I know here in Mauritius during our conversation said "I have only 2 friends at university, the rest are people I know..either class mates or work mates but not friends"..I loved this statement of hers..So I'd say about friends, my true ones are quite far from me in terms of distance..some close ones have gone very far in terms of emotions..but yeah, I have a number of people I know around..right now, my hostel mates and people around me are good people. We laugh, have fun and study too..I think all of us are going through a unique experience..an experience that will shape us in a way or the other. It is our ability to learn and ability to make a choice that determine what kind of person we are. People here drink, smoke but I do none of those and it is my choice upon acting on those two and many others that will shape me into the person I will become in the future and present!

Concluding this article, I as a person have no regrets in life. I think I have led a good life and yes I have done wrong too but that is human..as they say "to err is to human, to forgive is to Divine"

All you need is a clean, pure heart; filled with love; and with He who is above all else in it...

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