13 Apr 2020

Two Wandering Souls...

You know you shouldn’t have slid into my DM’s like that,
It was the best and worst thing that happened to me in ages,
Best because you re-introduced me to love or at least to the feeling of it,
You made me once again meet the Rahim I thought ceased to exist,
You became the reason I smiled without even needing a reason,
Worst because just as I was re-gaining light, you waved goodbye,
It was like someone lit a match to light a candle and quickly blew it,
Just when I thought I was safe from all of this,
You walked into my life, the most beautiful storm I have encountered…

You know I was so used to my loneliness and solitude,
As an introvert, I was born to accept that I must be with myself,
And if I am to be happy, I should love to be with myself,
And I took years to learn and perfect that art,
I have learnt to sleep on a wet pillow filled with my tears,
I have learnt to protect my inner core with walls,
Walls that are so high that even I can’t climb to look on the outside,
Walls that are meant to protect me from people, who bring hope,
Hope that someone has finally arrived on the shore of my life,
To love me, care for me, like I have for others, all these many years,
Hope that as a wanderer, I have finally found a destination…

It was ‘maktub’ for two wandering souls to finally cross paths,
For two very similar shadows to merge and walk together,
I believe things happen for a reason in life and we did not ‘just’ meet,
I believe He who is above all else is an Artist overseeing a beautiful painting,
He paints every stroke on it knowing the beauty it will add,
The irony in all of this is that you too were finding a destination in me,
Perhaps I am completely wrong, and this is all my illusion,
But my instinct tells me otherwise, and I always believe what it says you know,
I have no end for this piece, and I would like to believe, the same goes for us…

"A soul mate is not found. A soul mate is recognized" – Vironika Tugaleva


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