11 Feb 2015

I hate good byes!!

Love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation” – Khalil Gibran

I have wanted to write an article for a long time now but every time I sat down to write, I lost the flow after a few lines and so I just stopped. A few days back, someone who seems now a stranger but was once… said to me: “you’re still the same person inside. I guess I was wrong”. I kept wondering how she ever imagined I would change the way I am for her. In fact, if there change has happened on someone’s part, it has been on her part. I feel she abandoned our friendship for whatever reason and moved on. Yes I have changed too; both internally and externally and I am truly happy about the changes in me because they have come at a cost of struggle, pain and bitter lessons. I wouldn’t do anything to take me back to that time except for one single reason; my friendship with her.
Yesterday I was listening to a song as I was reflecting on the feeling I have even today and this is what I want to write about today… ‘I hate goodbyes; especially those I have to say to strangers!’ It may seem completely insane that a good bye to a stranger hurts but it truly does because it is full of regret. You know how we can be the best of friends with someone and they have to leave and yes it hurts a lot but there are very few regrets, if any. Mainly, it is a good bye said along many memories, however, when a stranger who you have known for a couple of days or a few meetings, there are so many regrets and therefore that good bye hurts as hell. Distance is one of the most painful aspects of one’s life. I can’t express the magnitude of how much I hate the feeling of saying good bye to someone I totally want to build a friendship with, know more about, express myself and allow them the ability to express themselves; you know just deepen a bond.
It is like you meet someone and from the moment you saw them, you knew you have to get to know this person and then life breaks the dream by making that person walk back on the path that she was meant to take which seems absolutely normal except the fact that, it has left a gap in your soul. It would sound too cheesy if I add what Paulo Coelho says in one of his novels; ‘everyone meets their soul mate’. I couldn’t agree more with him.

To be honest, I have expressed two of my greatest feelings right now in the simplest of ways I could. I totally hate the feeling of saying good bye especially to a stranger and it is very sad when I meet someone and we connect in ways that I haven’t with someone I know for a long time and then they leave and distance becomes a factor beyond control…I hate it! I end with a quote I read yesterday:

We are all searching for someone whose demons play well with ours’ – Haris Lithos 


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