18 Nov 2013

Take a moment..

PS..I should have written this article in the afternoon..I just had all the emotions and feelings at that very moment but I chose to go to the beach instead to relax so a piece of advice to all you out there and especially to myself, write when your heart wants and not delay it..the feel does go away!

That being said, here is my article for today..

"I had no shoes and so I complained to Allah but just as I walked down that lane, I saw someone with no feet"

This may not be the original way the quote is but it is the quote that says it all for this article. Always look around you and you shall see that somewhere someone is in a worst state than we are in. 
I was flying from Entebbe (Uganda) to Dubai and we had just landed. I was seated at the back of the plane and was waiting patiently for everyone to get out [you know how everyone just rushes out of the plane as if there were chunks of treasure waiting at the plane door step or this plane had suddenly turned into hell for them] so that I could board off as well. In the mean time, an air hostess at the back asked me where I was headed to and I said Mauritius and she gave me this very surprised look as if asking 'how can you be going on a honeymoon alone?' LOL! I told her I had been selected into Middlesex university and I was headed there for a purpose and a dream you can say..she told me she was flying to Mauritius the next night and I responded 'lucky'..she AGAIN gave me a deep expression..I told her how flying has always been my passion and ambition..she said hope you do achieve this passion goal soon as she walked me to the gate..her final comment is one that left me thoughtful..she said "you think I am lucky and I think you are but I guess this is the nature of human life..we envy others and never look in the mirrors to see ourselves"..[thank you pretty lady..you really taught me a lesson that day]!!
I was going to write about how sad I am for the fact that all my cousins have a re-union in Karachi this December and I may not be able to go, how determined I have become to get a good degree that I study nearly till 3 every night, how being single gives me freedom which I totally love but the lack of someone leaves an absolute vacuum somewhere deep in me and when I listen to songs like 'just a kiss' by Lady Antebellum, it pinches that vacuum and makes me feel like 'wish I did have a love story or life like this' and or the many things that I did wanna write but today in this moment right now, I wanna write about how lucky I am and glad I am to be who I am and have what I have..

I have seen struggles, pain and all this in the past has made me a better fighter. It has increased my determination and will power. The true fact is, we never understand and never will understand why Allah does what He does but I can tell you, everything happens for a reason. We get betrayed to know who our true ones are, we get pain so that we become stronger, we lose love so that we learn to appreciate it when we have it..EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON!!

So, take a moment today, right now, and close your eyes and see everything you have..your lovely parents, a loved one, your friends, your material assets, your past memories, moments you have laughed like no one watched, and for all the things that life has offered you so far..take a moment right now and think..and if you can not think of any of the above, place your hand on your heart and feel the beat..you know what that is..that shows you are alive and have life left in you..so a better tomorrow can be got if you stand today with hope and faith..

Definitely not what I intended to write but wrote what I felt at this moment..I wrote what I felt so pardon me the literature errors..and anyways my advise to anyone who wants to write is to write from your heart..because as I say: 

"Complex English only opens the dictionary, not the reader's heart" 

Remember, appreciate your life..everything you need to be happy is there with you..just appreciate!!


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